Vancouver Minor Softball Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Age Categories and Levels of Play

Age Category Birth Years Levels Play games on … Interlock with
other clubs?
U7 2018 - 2019 House Wed eve No
Sat morn/midday
U9 2016 - 2017 House Wed eve No
Sat morn/midday
U11 2014 - 2015 House Tues eve No
Sat midday
U13 2012 - 2013 Rep (B) Tues eve Yes
Thurs eve
House (C) Mon eve* Yes
Sat midday
U15 2010 - 2011 Rep (B) Mon eve Yes
Wed eve
House (C) Tues eve Yes
Thurs eve**
U17 2008 - 2009 Rep (B) Tues eve Yes
Thurs eve
House (C) Mon eve Yes
Wed eve
U19 2006 - 2007 Rep (B) Mon eve Yes
Wed eve
U20 2005 - 2007 House (C) Tues eve Yes
Thurs eve
* U13C may interlock with other nearby softball associations (i.e. Delta, Richmond & North Shore) on a limited basis for the 2025 Season. Games will be away (travel) and home (Vancouver).

** U15C will interlock on Tues & Thurs evenings for the 2024 Season. Approximately half the games will be away (travel) with the remaining played home (Vancouver). 

1. For classification purposes, age is determined as of January 1st.
2. VMSA currently does not have any Rep (A) teams.


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